Dare You To Dream

Dare You to Do Something

“Never judge someone until you’ve walked a mile in his shoes. That way, when you do judge him, you’re a mile away and you have his shoes.” -Emo Philips

This is a funny saying, but how many times have you judged someone at first glance? How many times have we seen someone begging for money on the roadside or using food stamps at the local gas station and thought, “They are so lazy, go get a job!”? It is so easy to judge people by their current circumstances, without ever stopping to think what got them there. Do not assume people are broken because they want to be.

Looking down on someone for where they are is wrong, plain and simple. It could easily be you in their place. Every opportunity and challenge you have been given has hopefully been a stepping stone and teacher on your way to greatness; but if not, don’t be discouraged, tomorrow is another chance to grow. So much of what we become is dependent our response to our current situation, and none of us choose the correct response 100% of the time. Treating someone like they are beneath you is like feeling superior simply because you took a right turn instead of a left at the last crossroad.

A rich person is just a poor person with money and a better mindset. Very little is standing between us and where we need to be. My biggest regret in life is not realizing sooner that it is ok to have and pursue your dreams. I was always told to have a plan B in case things didn’t work out; but in the process, I forgot plan A even existed. It is ok to follow your passions and make what you love the central point of your life. If you are the one who owns the shoes mentioned in the quote, the one who made poor decisions and feels hopeless, I need to let you know: you are worth it. You are worth taking a risk. You are worth making better choices. You are worth the tears and sacrifice that will change your life for the better. Change your mindset and start moving forward. I dare you to lace up your shoes and start walking. I dare you to believe in yourself. I dare you to dream.

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