
My gymnastics coach once asked me “what is more important, courage or technique.” Of course my initial reaction was to say technique. For if you have the proper movement knowledge courage isn’t really needed to succeed in the task right?


Technique without courage is a fast moving boat with a heavy anchor at the bottom. The ability to not only believe in yourself but to Trust yourself will always get you further than just focusing on how things could happen.

Life without courage is being alive without living. In other words, life without courage becomes a more permanent paralyzer. Stunting your growth and desire to take risks for fear of failure, ridicule, or unhappiness. But what I find is that if you don’t take the next step you already FAIL, the ridicule of others will usually be followed up by the success of YOU, and happiness cannot always be fully ingested if there is no desire to be at your GREATEST potential.

So I encourage you after you finish this to jot down a list of 3-5 things you’d like to achieve, how to achieve them, and what is getting in your way. Be concise, be honest, and be ready to move. The more you truly believe in yourself and find the courage to go to the next level, the sooner the universe and all those around you will react to you in that manor. What you feel on the inside will reflect on the outside – so let’s make sure our insides are full of faith, trust, and courage.

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