
Your donation will help support our organization’s mission to change lives and communities by offering experiences that educate, inspire, and give hope.

Get Involved

Interested in joining our cause? We’d love to hear from you! We are always looking for volunteers and partners to help achieve our goals.

Stories & Testimonies

Hear how communities and lives have been changed through our organization from those who experienced our mission first-hand.

How your Donation Helps

Your donation will help support our organization’s mission to change lives and communities by offering experiences that educate, inspire, and give hope. It will afford our youth, and young adults many opportunities that they might not get otherwise.

Bruised But Not Broken

Help us empower, and speak life into the lives of young women. Young women have very unique challenges that can make having a positive self-image, a healthy self-esteem, and seeing their value extremely difficult. Your donations will help host events that help with their personal development.
Raised: $0.00
Goal: $5,000.00

Make A Difference

Your donations will make a difference in the youth/young adults in low income communities by hosting activities, and giving them opportunities and experiences they may not have had otherwise due to the lack of finances. Activities keep kids busy, and keeping kids busy keeps them out of trouble. As you know, the experiences you have when you’re young will play a huge part in shaping you as an adult.
Raised: $0.00
Goal: $5,000.00

Operation Inspiration

Operation Inspiration hosts events where youth/young adults can learn, and be taught by people who inspire them. We bring in people from different vocations, and get the young people excited about their dreams, goals, and future. These events give them an opportunity to discover their passions’, and can often ignite purpose. A purpose driven life is the best life.
Raised: $0.00
Goal: $5,000.00

Want to join with us?

Become a Proud Volunteer

“Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much.” – Helen Keller

About Us

If you truly want to change something, you must take action. You have to disrupt the status quo. Compelled 2 Change was created to do just that. We change communities by changing the lives of the people who live in them.

Upcoming Events

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Our Board of Directors

Henry Newby

President/ Founder

Kendra Disspain


Courtney Haggerty


Awesome Fun facts

Our organization launched this website on September 24, 2018, so we’re just getting started! We can’t wait to see these numbers increase as we begin moving forward with our mission.









Our Blog